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New Year’s Resolutions Every Small Business
Owner Should Make for 2023

by Brent Walbrun

With the new year just over the horizon, you’ve probably been looking forward to your holidays and celebrations with friends and family. Deservedly so! As a small business owner, your life is extremely busy and often stressful. It can get hectic – so taking some time for yourself as we pass into the new year is beyond important. There’s also no better time to work on your New Year’s resolutions! What are your ambitions for your small business for 2023? What will you do to achieve those ambitions? Take some of that “you time” to write those goals down and see what you can do over the course of 2023 to bring them to fruition! Everybody succeeds when our small businesses succeed. Just to get you thinking about it, we came up with a few ideas for small business owner New Year’s resolutions:

  1. Revitalize your digital presence
    You know it, we know it – your presence online is one of the most defining aspects of success for a modern small business. Nowadays, just having a website often isn’t enough, you need to retain a presence on multiple platforms and maintain each of your digital assets properly updated to keep with the rapidly evolving standards of the day. With this new year, resolve to re-analyze your digital presence and see what you can do to take it to the next level. Is it an SEO update for your website? A social media marketing opportunity? A well-targeted advertisement plan? Take some time to really consider what you can do to elevate your digital presence to the next level and make the web work for you.
  2. Get ahead of the trends
    Over the course of the last few years, we have seen sweeping trends drastically change the business landscape of the entire nation, and most affected of all were small businesses. The pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and the great resignation have all caused shock and forced change in the national business landscape. Unfortunately, it is more difficult for small businesses to stay afloat in the wake of such shocks simply due to their size. With this in mind, resolve to GET AHEAD of the trends and create contingencies so that your small business can continue to thrive no matter the situation. Maybe you want to improve your culture to keep your employees engaged. Perhaps you want to map out your supply chain and logistical plans to identify disruption risks and account for them accordingly. Whatever it may be, resolve to do something to strengthen the position of your business against inevitable external forces.
  3. Take advantage of the resources uniquely available to you
    As a small business owner, you have a lot of tools at your disposal to help you with just about anything. Recall our articles covering state and federal resources specifically made for small businesses. These are just a few examples of what infrastructure exists out there for the sole purpose of aiding and assisting small businesses like yours. If you’re not already working with them, resolve to start in 2023! If you are working with them presently, re-evaluate your needs for the year and see what you can do to get even more out of these organizations. They are here just for you!

Buttle, Rhett (2021). “Five Realistic New Year’s Resolutions For Small Business Owners” [Article]. Forbes. Available at: [Accessed Oct 24, 2022] 

Marr, Bernard (2022). “The 5 Biggest Business Trends In 2023 Everyone Must Get Ready For Now” [Article]. Forbes. Available at: [Accessed Oct 24, 2022]